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light air 軟風〔一級風〕。

light artillery

There is , perhaps , no solitary sensation so exquisite as that of slumbering on the grass or hay , shaded from the hot sun by a tree , with the consciousness of a fresh but light air running through the wide atmosphere , and the sky stretching far overhead upon all sides 躺在青草或干草上面安然入睡,一片樹蔭為你遮擋驕陽,你能感覺到空氣中有一絲清新、爽快的氣息,被一望無際的天空環抱著還有什么能比得上這樣美妙的感受?

Energy conservation staff was reminded to switch off lights air conditioners during lunch or away for long hours and to keep room temperature at a reasonable level to avoid excessive air conditioning 我們提醒所有的工作人員在午膳時或離開辦公室一段頗長的時間時,須把冷氣機及電燈關掉,同時須把室溫保持在一個合理的度數,以免浪費能源。

Udaloy reflects design changes that addressed the shortcomings of the previous krivak program ; namely the lack of helicopter facilities , limited sonar capabilities , and light air - defenses 勇敢級一改以往克里瓦克級反潛護衛艦的缺點。克里瓦克級不能搭載直升機,搜索能力較低,防空能力也很差。

But the light airs which had begun blowing from the south - east and south had hauled round after nightfall into the south - west 但正在此時,從東南面,一會兒又從南面吹來的微風,在夜色中轉成了西南風。

Along the front , the warmer and lighter air will then ride on top of cooler air , resulting in rain and thunderstorms 較輕的暖濕空氣會沿鋒面上升,造成雷雨。

Switching off lights air conditioners , communal facilities e . g . photocopiers outside office hours 辦公時間外應關掉電燈空調及公用設施

Research on the wind guide facilities of light air - cooled diesel engine 輕型風冷柴油機導風裝置的試驗研究

The evening was delightfully calm, and the light air came from the limpid water, fresh and soothing . 這是一個幽靜喜人的傍晚,清澄的水面上送來陣陣清爽人的微風。